Lab 3

Hi again everyone, for this blog i will discuss Lab3 and how me and my team got it completed.

Lab 3 was multiple times more difficult than Lab 2 in my opinion. For this lab we had to choose and application to code. Out of all the applications my team chose to recreate pong using the 6502 emulator.

This lab took a while and was a great learning experience. It took everything we learned from the last lab and added onto it. This time we had to use a lot more logic. To start the assignment we were equipped with example code that was provided to us. Using the etch-a-sketch code we figured out how to receive user input which would be required for moving the pong paddle. The code also had coordinates at the bottom that allowed us to draw on the screen which was also very helpful.

Thanks to the user input code we were able to create the pong paddle, and by using a bit of logic we drew a pixel and made it bounce around the screen.

All in all it was a fairly difficult lab in my opinion, but it was something that ive never done before.  It was a fairly good learning experience.

A copy of the output can be located here

A copy of the code can be located here


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